Shipping policy

3-5 business days.

Us only.

For orders up to $30, we wilcharge $3.9 for shipping because the stamps have been greatly discounted and postage is free for orders over $30.

Thank you for your understanding.
It nomaly takes busines dav forusto proces your orde, Howeve. please note thatthe pocesingtime can also be afected bvthe stock status ofindvidual items thetime ofthe year nationalholidays, et.lfyour onder indudes ery popularitemsthat are experiencing stock avalablity isues,then the ondercan take 1-3 busines days to proces and dispatch.we apologize in advance for anyinconvenience caused by these delays and thank you for your patience.

The Forever Stamp store@ ships alin-stock orders wth first Clas Mal Tracking@ serice.Please alow 3-5 busines days (preparation time notinduded forin-stock tems to be shiped with Default

Shipping or 1-2 business days for in-stock orders to be shipped with Priority Mail Express® service.

We try to makesure allyour items reach you at thesametime. ometimesour products are not alavs sent oaether since diferent shioping otions can beused.depending on the product. Once an

item has been shipped, you will receive a shipment notification email.

Unfortunately, we cannot change the shipment once the product is en route.